Thursday, June 19, 2008


it is not normal for me to blog twice a day..or at least, not on two posts anyway..but i think this warrens a post of its own. i was just reading the report on the erp hikes and it amused me..yep, amused! the reason why they are charging more and at more gantries is because..vehicle speeds are slowing down! it is no longer because there are too many vehicles in the city area..or because of air pollution or traffic jams..we are all tired of the same stories every time so now the new problem is people are going too slow!

but increase erp? come on now..if that was the solution, why haven't the past times work? so if no one drives into the city and the neighbourhood areas become congested with vehicles, also put up erp gantries? and then when people refuse to drive further than their mama-shops because there are erp gantries everywhere else, put erp gantries in carparks? then when people are sick and tired of the gantries, tax them for selling off their cars? don't you civil servants have any brains or any creativity? (guess not!) now here is what addy will do,

1. ban taxis within the city area
as all drivers know, taxis are road hazards. keep them out of the city! that way, other motorists can drive faster on safer roads too!

2. ban buses and all heavy vehicles within the city area
these vehicles take up too much space and move too slowly. when cars slow down for buses and heavy vehicles, traffic naturally slow down too! it's called cause-and-effect dear civil servants..come repeat after for public transport, i am sure smrt will be very agreeable with my suggestion!

3. encourage speeding (no drinking of course) within the city
that way, journeys would be smoother and everyone can get to their destinations faster.

4. remove ALL unnecessary traffic lights
without so many traffic lights, cars do not have to stop every 10 meters or so and thus will speed up traffic flow. for pedestrian crossings, build more overhead bridges or underpasses!

see what a little creativity can do? huh? what you mean that..oh? sorry, my bad..due to economy slowdown and stagnant growth, the increase in erp charges and the number of erp gantries is absolutely necessary for our government to properly run the country..if no extra money come in, how to buy the now even more extra expensive rice? if no rice, how to maintain the energy levels required by a good government? if no good government, you think singapore can carry on prospering like we have? no right? so yes, erp...very very good idea!

why? because...

E xtra
R evenue
P roduced

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