Wednesday, August 27, 2008

don't believe the truth

this was the title of oasis' sixth studio album..back then, i thought it was one of the most confusing and crappy titles ever..i mean, if it was the truth, then what is there not to believe? then just yesterday, while i was having dinner with jana, the thought hit actually makes sense!

(actually, "the thought" does not have anything to do with me having dinner with jana.."the thought" came because i was thinking..which does not mean i was not paying attention to her because it came to me while she went to buy her dinner..and then it disappeared because she came back with her dinner..and all my attention went to her because you know, i don't want to waste moments with her, thinking other thoughts..then i had trouble remembering "the thought" until now. hope that clarifies things for you. anyway, as i was saying...)

don't believe the truth..i don't know if oasis meant it this way but what "the thought" said to me was when you look beyond the surface meaning - which is basically about being ignorant or in denial - what you'd find is "a lie". put it this way, what is "a truth"? it has been defined as "a fact that has been verified" or "accuracy: the quality of being near to the true value" or "conformity to reality or actuality". from the definitions, we can see that "a truth" is subjective. it is a fact that STILL needs to be verified..verified by who or what and based on what? it is a quality of being near to the true value..who or what determines this "true value"? it is conformity to reality or actuality..whose definition of reality?

now "the thought" says, what "a truth" really is, is a belief that "something is not a lie" or "something to believe in" now when you look at the phrase again, it simply means, don't accept truths at face value. sales people always tell you "the truth" about their products but after you have bought their items, there are always other "truths" behind "the truth"...

ultimately, we all have our own perceptions of whether certain things which are true or not..these perceptions are formed by our thoughts, morals, beliefs, religion or experiences, things which are mostly unique to us; what may be true for me, may not necessarily apply to you..i'd like to end with another album title, "this is my truth tell me yours" (by the manic street preachers..a quite brilliant album really!).."true" indeed..

Thursday, August 14, 2008


was just wondering today how do people say grace before meals..i mean i've always seen eric and dear do it..but i've never actually asked what was spoken or prayed during grace..until today..

addy: hey so what do you actually say when you say grace?
eric: i thank God for the food He has put on the table and for His providence
addy: say so much in such a short time ar?
eric: say it in your heart la!

i can just imagine his "diao" look as he said that last part! hahaha..oh and while most of the conversation has been reproduced (as accurately as i can), he did actually use the word "providence" (with my limited vocab, how to make up such a cheem word right?)..which made my next question even more valid..afterall saying "providence" itself is already 2 seconds leh! but his response made sense i think! :)

i know some will be surprised at my sudden spirituality..but it has not been sudden at all (if you know me well enough)..i have always believed in God and was always waiting for the right time or person to lead me back to His house. it is so funny and amazing then that the person who brought me back into the house of God was the same one i was sharing the various moments in my life that i have been touched by the hand of God with..on the day we were touched by God's grace - 13th June 2008. in my darkest hour, He shone his light and blessed me with the best gift i can ever be given..and for that, He has shown that He does not forsake His children..and for that, i give Him praise and thanks..because he persevered in me even when i waivered..because he sent you so that i may see. thank you dear. thank you God.

so we will run altogether with hearts aflame
with a fire that can’t be tamed
our God all glory to Your name, Jesus