Sunday, September 16, 2007

hello world!

no don't worry..i am still alive and well, not so kicking..but - fortunately or unfortunately for you, depending on your point of view - alive anyway! :) as for the lack of updates on my's just that i've been worn out by work..not so much that i am super stressed out..but more due to the fact that i've had to use quite a bit of brain juice to design and write stuff that when i reach home, all i have for my blog is "urm..uh huh..." which obviously is not a lot and - which even more obviously - does not warrant a blog entry on its own! i mean seriously, how many entries of "urm..uh huh..."s can anyone stand to write let alone read!

now back to what's been taking up my time..been busy planning for this major csr event ( for my company which finally took place this past is a campaign started in aid of child refugees around the world to provide them with education and the opportunity to play (for anyone interested, you can donate via the website..if you're feeling poor, even $1 donations are accepted!)..despite the various obstacles and hiccups leading up to friday, the event went smoothly and better than we expected..after the event, all i wanted to do was take karen (she sat out the entire event and waited as we cleared the place, by herself for nearly 5 hours!) out of the damn place, go for dinner and just fall into her arms..which is what i did! :)

before that, karen and i found time to drop by timbre at the substation last saturday (8th september) to watch the goodfellas..while the music wasn't the best, the band's energy and showmanship was was my first time at timbre and i'll definitely be back for more!

on a lousier note, spurs just got whooped by those freaking arse-nehs 3-1 at home..what the fiak are we doing!

on an even lousier note, i've been seating out on my regular footie and badminton sessions because of my right knee (which i strained a few weeks back)..due to that, i've been relying heavily on my left knee which in turn caused a recurrence of an old these days whenever i have to stand for extended periods (meaning more than 2 minutes!), you'll find me shifting from right to left like i am being bitten at the ankles by ants!

i refuse however to end on a bad note so on the brighter side of things..sheena told me the other day that i'd make a good teacher because i had a way of explaining things to people..which i kind of realised before ( i always say "while humility is not my greatest value, i am thoroughly honest!")..i have a knack of putting things out of perspective so that people can inter-relate and see things properly..but being a teacher? i don't know man...maybe someday..because honestly, while i moan on and on about being underpaid, i am truly happy doing what i am doing..especially recently, when even my vendors have started praising my work, i think that is really taking appreciation to another level and i am grateful! :) so before i become a professional teacher (aka someone paid obscene amounts of money to impart to students what they usually memorise off textbooks anyway!), my lessons are free of charge..and oh, textbooks are usually not required! :)