when joan first told me she had wanted to walk out of the theatre 30 minutes into the show, i was quite incredulous..i mean, how bad can a musical be right? but when i watched it, i understood what she meant..the show was really way too draggy..at certain parts, you can literally hear the whole theatre in silence (half of them asleep maybe!)..not to say the acting or singing or the songs were bad..in fact, the cast including the four main leads - jamie foxx, beyonce, eddie murphy and jennifer hudson - put in a highly credible performance..i am especially surprised by eddie murphy's earnestness in his role as jimmy early..probably because most of us only associate him with comedy roles (i.e. norbit)..also, while the songs are generally pleasant enough, most of it is very r&b..for people who cannot appreciate the genre, this may be one very strenuous experience at over 2 hours long..overall, i would not say that the show was bad but i still prefer musicals in their more "traditional" environment..
another week has just passed by like that..only monday i was wondering how am i going to get through the week..and now it is sunday and then monday again! work is taking up most of my time these days..when i get home, i do not feel like doing anything at all but sit in front of my computer and slack..i know it sounds lifeless but lifeless probably describes my energy levels after a day at work nowadays. don't misunderstand, i do not hate my work nor is it rocket science..it is just tedious or probably i am just not used to it yet..and ginny (my manager) says that "the worse is yet to come"! -gulps-
haven't been attending church regularly since the new year (the english one i am referring to!)..i feel really guilty but i just cannot seem to drag myself off the bed in the mornings! argh! bad bad bad! how does gabriel and karen do it! or could it be that i am losing my faith?
1 comment:
Actually I kind of enjoy the show. But then I like all kinds of musicals, which I understand not many people can relate to. Beyonce outdid herself in that song, all her emotions and feelings went into it. But Jennifer Hudson really stole the show, a very good attempt for a debut.
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