Just a few short updates,
1. Caught pirates of the caribbean with karen on sunday..now i'm like so in love with johnny depp! i think karen prefers orlando bloom though..hmm..anyway the movie was really cool..until the end which really got us "huh? what the!"

2. Went for a few interviews over the past few days - M1, SingTel, and Strategic Partners (whoever they are!)..have two more interviews lined up for next week - IBM and Sistic..
I don't really know if i am really ready to start work but i've reached a stage where i've had enough of moping and feeling sorry for myself..cuz even if i stand still here and cry, the world carries on turning..the cruel reality is, time waits for no one..so this is what i'm doing, moving on.. Anyway, i've had to reject SingTel because the pay was crappy..though the more critical consideration is that i have the IBM interview lined up and SingTel wanted an answer by today which really isn't too possible.. Apparently timing isn't my strongest point these days (in most areas of my life).. But i trust that God will watch over me and guide me and something will work out soon.. Anyway, back to the updates..
3. Managed to postpone my reservist till december so that's one thing off my mind and it's all clear for my job hunt..
4. Still coughing..two and half weeks after i fell ill! how can! oh well, at least i have the jinx for company! think she caught the cold from me at cold-play! :P

jinxy n i at coldplay
5. Been creating lots of impromptu rhymes in my head and i get so carried away thinking of line after line that i forget everything after that! That's why it's called impromptu i suppose..anyway, here's an example..
i've been creating lots of impromptu rhymes of late
just these few random thoughts running through my head
some make sense, others not so much so
but line after line they just follow
until i reach a point when i lose track
that's when i realise i cannot even get the first line back
so i leave it, i let it be
and i think of another rhyme, and i forget it again, completely!
6. Lastly, my computer is back! and that's why i'm here! :)
Another one of addy's unquotable quotes (don't try this at home!)
"Why settle for one fish in the entire ocean when you can find a mermaid?"
1. Caught pirates of the caribbean with karen on sunday..now i'm like so in love with johnny depp! i think karen prefers orlando bloom though..hmm..anyway the movie was really cool..until the end which really got us "huh? what the!"

2. Went for a few interviews over the past few days - M1, SingTel, and Strategic Partners (whoever they are!)..have two more interviews lined up for next week - IBM and Sistic..
I don't really know if i am really ready to start work but i've reached a stage where i've had enough of moping and feeling sorry for myself..cuz even if i stand still here and cry, the world carries on turning..the cruel reality is, time waits for no one..so this is what i'm doing, moving on.. Anyway, i've had to reject SingTel because the pay was crappy..though the more critical consideration is that i have the IBM interview lined up and SingTel wanted an answer by today which really isn't too possible.. Apparently timing isn't my strongest point these days (in most areas of my life).. But i trust that God will watch over me and guide me and something will work out soon.. Anyway, back to the updates..
3. Managed to postpone my reservist till december so that's one thing off my mind and it's all clear for my job hunt..
4. Still coughing..two and half weeks after i fell ill! how can! oh well, at least i have the jinx for company! think she caught the cold from me at cold-play! :P

5. Been creating lots of impromptu rhymes in my head and i get so carried away thinking of line after line that i forget everything after that! That's why it's called impromptu i suppose..anyway, here's an example..
i've been creating lots of impromptu rhymes of late
just these few random thoughts running through my head
some make sense, others not so much so
but line after line they just follow
until i reach a point when i lose track
that's when i realise i cannot even get the first line back
so i leave it, i let it be
and i think of another rhyme, and i forget it again, completely!
6. Lastly, my computer is back! and that's why i'm here! :)
Another one of addy's unquotable quotes (don't try this at home!)
"Why settle for one fish in the entire ocean when you can find a mermaid?"
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