@ gv tampines mall with chris, kenneth and ryan
*note: the sole purpose of this entry is to remind myself never ever EVER again to watch such a crappy show..and if i do, to remind myself never ever EVER to bring my brain along!
argh! chow turtle!
(voiceover: now..in theatres islandwide!)
which reminds me..i still want to watch the teenage mutant ninja turtles!
(voiceover: now..in theatres islandwide!)
addy: !!!
voiceover: i am a voiceover!
addy: oh? urm..thank you..i kind of figured that out..
voiceover: you are welcome!
addy: yes ok..but you really can stop it now..you have done your job and your voice is creeping me out!
voiceover: it is my duty as a voiceover! and i can't help my voice being like this..should i change my tone? is it too deep? do i speak too fast?
addy: it's not that..voiceovers do not just come in in the middle of blog entries..
voiceover: they don't?
addy: no..they do not..so you should stop!
voiceover: why are you talking to me then?
addy: i am not talking to you
voiceover: you just responded to me..
addy: no i didn't!
voiceover: there..again!
addy: argh! chow turtle!
voiceover: now..in theatres islandwide!
addy: -_-!!!
a commercial break..
the music on this blog is brought to you by the little devil dj spinning on the left-hand side..specially employed from esnips..now back to your regular programme!
here is a sneak peek of a typical conversation with marie..be warned! as she would say, "it is the lame!"
this came from a conversation about her msn nickname "marie - i have the hots for mature british guys."..to which a certain mr. bean was added to her list..how did we end up talking about red bean soup? your guess is as good as mine!
marie: i like the red bean soup!
marie: considering my mom makes it!
addy: cool!
addy: am i allowed to try?
addy: or is it only available to family members?
marie: no la
marie: u can eat one la
marie: i ask my mom make more la
marie: but i need to req one
addy: wah sei!
addy: even at home it's so administrative!
addy: need to make a written request..
addy: wow!
marie: cos my mom works ma.
marie: so she onli cook in the weekends.
marie: hahaha
marie: eh!
marie: i got say written req meh
addy: it's the way you say it mah..
addy: or is it through email?
marie: no la
marie: verbal!
addy: ooorh..
addy: no need black and white and cc: your dad ar?
marie: of cos.
marie: he eat only wat!
i know i know..we are the lame! to think that joan was initially scared that marie and i would not get along too well because she was too chatty..what can i say right?
i have a high tolerance level! hahaha..
i like this..

do i make you happy?
with a wink..
or a grin..
or with what i say?
i don't mind if the whole world laughs with me..
for me..
or at me..
i feel blessed..
knowing i am able to bring a smile to others with lesser effort than most...
but all i really want..
is to make one person happy..
just one..
i'd be happy..
i like this also..

hahahaha glad to see such a cheery post from u.
anyways, u'll find that one person soon lah..
leenie you're the best! :) so you help me find? ;)
can help u keep a lookout la. haha
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