@ gv tampines mall with karen
have been wanting to catch this for the longest time..not because i expected it to be a spectacular show but rather to revisit our childhood heroes! i mean, we all once wished we were sidekicks of leonardo, donatello, raphael and michelangelo rite? while the storyline was everything we'd expect it to be, the characters have all been given updated looks (and voices)..for one, karen and i both did not remember april o'neil as a lara croft! it was kind of weird to see our green friends after so long but it was nice, even if it was just to relive the memories :)
jess commented how amazing it was that i have been caught in so many crossroads over the past year - whether in love or in work..you know that feeling of getting caught at consecutive traffic lights? well, that is how it feels like..every time that life seems back to normal, something else happens and i get stopped dead in my tracks again..it is tough because i cannot seem to build up any momentum or gain any inspiration. if there is one thing that i have learnt throughout this time, it is that things will always have a way of working out in the end..somehow. so while life could be better, it could also be worse..instead, i should be thankful that i constantly have the company and encouragement of friends..people whose ears must be a little tone-deaf (specific to my voice) from all my whinings!
the lights are turning green soon..and i must be ready to go..
you are not "the foe" la silly marie!
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