been quite a super day..went for broadway beng with jinxy in the afternoon..while waiting for her, i went to peninsula shopping centre hoping to take a look at the new tottenham hotspur jersy but it hasn't arrived..along the way i got myself this new drink from spinelli's, choc mint spin..nice..though i still prefer the peppermint one from starbucks last christmas..

we arrived late for the play and had to sit out the opening song..though judging from what we saw on the screen outside the theatre, we didn't miss that much..when we made it in, sebastian was explaining the concept of how the play came about which was quite amusing; something along the lines of how if a beng wants to make it big, he has to perform more than just at seventh month getais, he has to do broadway musicals which, explains the title..the play was a mixture of hokkien and english songs with lots of funny banter in between..besides being quite funny, he has a really solid singing voice! that singapore idols! when he announced the last song, jinxy and i were like "that's fast!" but our handphones confirmed that one and a half hours had indeed sad..he ended up with a hilarious version of "stand up for singapore"..what i'd like to see is a dim sum dollies vs broadway beng musical! that'd be cool! speaking of which, dim sum dollies will be back in little shop of horrors in november!

after the play, jinx suddenly had this urge for a certain "five star chicken rice" but problem is she doesn't know where it for a few minutes we were like
1) tourists (asking 7-11 store assistants and taxi drivers for directions)
2) game show contestants (calling whichever friend we thought would be familiar with the area) and
3) food hunters (ala mankansutra or those channel 8 ones with bryan wong)
we ended up getting directions from a taxi driver and walking aimlessly down river valley road without knowing exactly where the place was! so we just walked and walked and walked until..we saw great world city! then i realised where she was talking about! it was along a stretch of shophouses where my dad used to bring us for "gai si mee" (sliced chicken mushroom noodles) when i was younger..when i told her my sudden realisation, she said "yeah! correct!"..kaoz..can knock her head a reward for our persistance and long walk, we had a super filling dinner..more because when we complained about our plate of chicken having too much bones and too little meat (after eating half of it!), the manager changed a whole new plate of chicken meat for us! to digest our dinner, we did what we initially were dead against doing..we walked back to mohd sultan! somehow, when you know your way the walk seems shorter la!
for dessert (yes we had dessert! because jinxy said "there is always room for dessert!"), we went to this place beside her workplace called canele..nice and quiet place to slack and slowly savour the cakes, which despite their "petite" appearances were creamy and rich..we had one called le royale and another coffee one..sinful sinful..we ended up amusing ourselves by disecting the last piece of the coffee cake which was made of (from the bottom up) sponge cake, walnut cream with walnut chucks in it, another layer of cake (chocolate i think) and coffee mousse!

then she had to work..and so i spent the remainder of the evening sitting at the bar at her workplace sipping ice water to rinse off the sweetness of the cakes, occasionally talking to her whilst she whizzed around the bar, heard her boss tell a story about how an angmo held a door for someone and was called a xenophobic in return, watched a bit of the liverpool match before i finally got off my lazy butt and left at halftime..the place was starting to fill up and someone kept reminding me how i said i would leave before the first match started and that since i've stayed i might as well stay until the last match ended! bo ko leng..
now i'm looking at less than 6 hours of sleep before waking for church in the morning, watching click at noon with karen, a football match in the evening and (just maybe only!) dinner out with kenneth, yaling and aileen! i need rest!

we arrived late for the play and had to sit out the opening song..though judging from what we saw on the screen outside the theatre, we didn't miss that much..when we made it in, sebastian was explaining the concept of how the play came about which was quite amusing; something along the lines of how if a beng wants to make it big, he has to perform more than just at seventh month getais, he has to do broadway musicals which, explains the title..the play was a mixture of hokkien and english songs with lots of funny banter in between..besides being quite funny, he has a really solid singing voice! that singapore idols! when he announced the last song, jinxy and i were like "that's fast!" but our handphones confirmed that one and a half hours had indeed sad..he ended up with a hilarious version of "stand up for singapore"..what i'd like to see is a dim sum dollies vs broadway beng musical! that'd be cool! speaking of which, dim sum dollies will be back in little shop of horrors in november!

after the play, jinx suddenly had this urge for a certain "five star chicken rice" but problem is she doesn't know where it for a few minutes we were like
1) tourists (asking 7-11 store assistants and taxi drivers for directions)
2) game show contestants (calling whichever friend we thought would be familiar with the area) and
3) food hunters (ala mankansutra or those channel 8 ones with bryan wong)
we ended up getting directions from a taxi driver and walking aimlessly down river valley road without knowing exactly where the place was! so we just walked and walked and walked until..we saw great world city! then i realised where she was talking about! it was along a stretch of shophouses where my dad used to bring us for "gai si mee" (sliced chicken mushroom noodles) when i was younger..when i told her my sudden realisation, she said "yeah! correct!"..kaoz..can knock her head a reward for our persistance and long walk, we had a super filling dinner..more because when we complained about our plate of chicken having too much bones and too little meat (after eating half of it!), the manager changed a whole new plate of chicken meat for us! to digest our dinner, we did what we initially were dead against doing..we walked back to mohd sultan! somehow, when you know your way the walk seems shorter la!
for dessert (yes we had dessert! because jinxy said "there is always room for dessert!"), we went to this place beside her workplace called canele..nice and quiet place to slack and slowly savour the cakes, which despite their "petite" appearances were creamy and rich..we had one called le royale and another coffee one..sinful sinful..we ended up amusing ourselves by disecting the last piece of the coffee cake which was made of (from the bottom up) sponge cake, walnut cream with walnut chucks in it, another layer of cake (chocolate i think) and coffee mousse!

then she had to work..and so i spent the remainder of the evening sitting at the bar at her workplace sipping ice water to rinse off the sweetness of the cakes, occasionally talking to her whilst she whizzed around the bar, heard her boss tell a story about how an angmo held a door for someone and was called a xenophobic in return, watched a bit of the liverpool match before i finally got off my lazy butt and left at halftime..the place was starting to fill up and someone kept reminding me how i said i would leave before the first match started and that since i've stayed i might as well stay until the last match ended! bo ko leng..
now i'm looking at less than 6 hours of sleep before waking for church in the morning, watching click at noon with karen, a football match in the evening and (just maybe only!) dinner out with kenneth, yaling and aileen! i need rest!
5-star chicken rice not chatterbox meh???
huh? simi chatterbox? the name of the store is called "5-star chicken rice" la..
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