Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
blue monday..
i am so tired..and it's just the first day at work! goodness! i forsee a busy four months in front of me..and guess what? the worst bit isn't even about the work..i have to wear a fuh-reaking tie to work everyday! can die! kenneth jioed me out for dinner/ supper later but really..all i want to do right now is slack..
after dinner activity at the cheesecake cafe with kenneth, aileen and yaling..loved the ambience of the place..oh, and the cheesecakes ain't too bad either! (:

common phrases used in conversations with me recently..
"talk cock"
"wah lao/ kao/ liew"
commonly expressed as an exclamation and after something i've said..
after dinner activity at the cheesecake cafe with kenneth, aileen and yaling..loved the ambience of the place..oh, and the cheesecakes ain't too bad either! (:

common phrases used in conversations with me recently..
"talk cock"
"wah lao/ kao/ liew"
commonly expressed as an exclamation and after something i've said..
sometimes you can't make it on your own
- U2
- U2
Friday, August 25, 2006
where i wanna be..
went for the contract signing this morning..so it's a done deal..i'll be working with manpower for the next four months as a sales analyst..sounds sibei steady and cool rite? but no name card leh..and according to the sales director no chance to convert to perm either..guess i'll just have to grit my teeth, dig my nails in, do my best and then keep my fingers crossed that something comes up..
sounds complicated doesn't it? all that teeth, nails and fingers coordination..think i'll stick to doing my best first..lest i injure any body parts! :P

coffee bean's new honey dew ice blended..coool! a tad expensive at almost seven buckeroos..
but coool! :)
there are some things i wish to say but i hold it in..some things i wish to feel but i ignore them..it's just not the right time for such things..
not yet..
sounds complicated doesn't it? all that teeth, nails and fingers coordination..think i'll stick to doing my best first..lest i injure any body parts! :P

coffee bean's new honey dew ice blended..coool! a tad expensive at almost seven buckeroos..
but coool! :)
there are some things i wish to say but i hold it in..some things i wish to feel but i ignore them..it's just not the right time for such things..
not yet..
cuz i want nothing more than
sit outside heaven's door
and listen to you breathing..
- lifehouse
sit outside heaven's door
and listen to you breathing..
- lifehouse
Thursday, August 24, 2006
what if?
met cheryl for lunch today..it never ceases to amaze us how we never actually ended up together..looking back, we were so infatuated with each other..the hand holding when we went out..the pager messages (last time no handphone la!)..the long phone conversations..my now infamous journey from tampines to choa chu kang with an equally infamous single yellow rose on a certain valentine's day years ago..both of us did not know it back then; i did not tell her how i felt and neither did she..it was only years later when we were talking about crushes when i admitted to her that i had a crush on her before that she admitted that she had a crush on me at that exact same time as well!
i guess we never really know how another person feels towards us until we take that chance and ask him/ her..the thing is, we always hold back for fear of losing him/ her even as a friend..but like i told my friend recently, does it really feel better to keep quiet and not to know how things may turn out? when she finally took the chance and sent him an email expressing her feelings, she had this great weight lifted off her shoulders..this, even though she did not end up with the guy..now at least she can move on with her life instead of pondering about the 'what if's..
i admit, i do think about the 'what could have been's at times..but i also know i have to keep moving..at the moment i am in "transit" when i do not really want to think too much about things and just let nature take its due course..there is only that much hurt and disappointment one can take..

something i found in a shop at chinatown..
cute rite?
no one to give it to yet though! :P
an excerpt from my conversation with aileen..
aileen: so sat dinner addy treating!
addy: WHAT! urrr..think i suddenly got appointment.. -checks watch-
aileen: haha kns dun kay siao la
addy: aaaahh..got stomachache on that day..
aileen: wah u can predict the future ah
addy: -nodz- i feel my tummy rumbling liaoz mah
aileen: so saturday 4D which number 1st prize ah
addy: urrr..my tummy cannot predict 4D la..so kua zhang
aileen: kns so ur tummy can predict wat
addy: only whether got stomachache or not lor..like head can predict whether got headache or not..but head says saturday should be alright..
aileen: lame leh u
addy: you then lame ar! ask me for 4D numbers
update for cny 2007:
heard from my mum that my grandma says cannot celebrate cny next year..
any volunteers to hold next year's gathering then?
i guess we never really know how another person feels towards us until we take that chance and ask him/ her..the thing is, we always hold back for fear of losing him/ her even as a friend..but like i told my friend recently, does it really feel better to keep quiet and not to know how things may turn out? when she finally took the chance and sent him an email expressing her feelings, she had this great weight lifted off her shoulders..this, even though she did not end up with the guy..now at least she can move on with her life instead of pondering about the 'what if's..
i admit, i do think about the 'what could have been's at times..but i also know i have to keep moving..at the moment i am in "transit" when i do not really want to think too much about things and just let nature take its due course..there is only that much hurt and disappointment one can take..
let's take a brave jump over the side..
- coldplay
- coldplay

cute rite?
no one to give it to yet though! :P
an excerpt from my conversation with aileen..
aileen: so sat dinner addy treating!
addy: WHAT! urrr..think i suddenly got appointment.. -checks watch-
aileen: haha kns dun kay siao la
addy: aaaahh..got stomachache on that day..
aileen: wah u can predict the future ah
addy: -nodz- i feel my tummy rumbling liaoz mah
aileen: so saturday 4D which number 1st prize ah
addy: urrr..my tummy cannot predict 4D la..so kua zhang
aileen: kns so ur tummy can predict wat
addy: only whether got stomachache or not lor..like head can predict whether got headache or not..but head says saturday should be alright..
aileen: lame leh u
addy: you then lame ar! ask me for 4D numbers
update for cny 2007:
heard from my mum that my grandma says cannot celebrate cny next year..
any volunteers to hold next year's gathering then?
to set the record straight, i am NOT attached! you may think i made things up or lied..but if you read the post carefully, at no point did i mention that this girl is my girlfriend..
now what the post IS about is that i have a friend (whose name really has the letters "in" in it) who finally got attached after years of wondering if there is something wrong with her and thinking that she is not good enough..and i'm just really really happy for her..as for who this girl is..does it really matter now?
now what the post IS about is that i have a friend (whose name really has the letters "in" in it) who finally got attached after years of wondering if there is something wrong with her and thinking that she is not good enough..and i'm just really really happy for her..as for who this girl is..does it really matter now?
curious-er and curious-er
i am so tired today..not sure from what also..i was actually quite tempted to accept gabriel's invitation to join him at zouk for mambo, given that i do not have work tomorrow (feel bad that i keep rejecting him as well)..but in the end i decided to save the money, stay home and just slack..
speaking of which, i will not have much "slack time" left from next week onwards..i have accepted a four month contract as a sales analysis support contract staff (it's a mouthful i know!) with manpower..no more late supper nights for me on weekdays!
with regards to the previous post..won't you like to know who the girl is eh? ok..one clue is..her name has the letters "in" in it..
all will be revealed in due time..
speaking of which, i will not have much "slack time" left from next week onwards..i have accepted a four month contract as a sales analysis support contract staff (it's a mouthful i know!) with manpower..no more late supper nights for me on weekdays!
with regards to the previous post..won't you like to know who the girl is eh? ok..one clue is..her name has the letters "in" in it..
all will be revealed in due time..
in a champagne supernova in the sky..
- oasis
- oasis
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
unlike addy
recently, i've been eating too much, spending too much, staying out too late and sleeping too little..totally unlike me! probably that's why i've been talking cock as well..because it's..(repeat after me now) unlike addy!
just now:
(at dinner with kenneth, chris and siqing)
we should mock the taiwanese man..they think their "J" (Jay Chou) very good issit? but we have JJ (Lin)..even better! double the power!
apparently it was quite funny cuz chris and siqing laughed..either that or they were just being polite..
hey jinx, check this out!
mm zai
mm guan
mm si wa eh dai ji
cool eh? :P
i'm attached! (:
who do you think she is?
just now:
(at dinner with kenneth, chris and siqing)
we should mock the taiwanese man..they think their "J" (Jay Chou) very good issit? but we have JJ (Lin)..even better! double the power!
apparently it was quite funny cuz chris and siqing laughed..either that or they were just being polite..
hey jinx, check this out!
mm zai
mm guan
mm si wa eh dai ji
cool eh? :P
i'm attached! (:
who do you think she is?
Sunday, August 20, 2006
super saturday
been quite a super day..went for broadway beng with jinxy in the afternoon..while waiting for her, i went to peninsula shopping centre hoping to take a look at the new tottenham hotspur jersy but it hasn't arrived..along the way i got myself this new drink from spinelli's, choc mint spin..nice..though i still prefer the peppermint one from starbucks last christmas..

we arrived late for the play and had to sit out the opening song..though judging from what we saw on the screen outside the theatre, we didn't miss that much..when we made it in, sebastian was explaining the concept of how the play came about which was quite amusing; something along the lines of how if a beng wants to make it big, he has to perform more than just at seventh month getais, he has to do broadway musicals which, explains the title..the play was a mixture of hokkien and english songs with lots of funny banter in between..besides being quite funny, he has a really solid singing voice! gosh..eat that singapore idols! when he announced the last song, jinxy and i were like "that's fast!" but our handphones confirmed that one and a half hours had indeed passed..so sad..he ended up with a hilarious version of "stand up for singapore"..what i'd like to see is a dim sum dollies vs broadway beng musical! that'd be cool! speaking of which, dim sum dollies will be back in little shop of horrors in november!

after the play, jinx suddenly had this urge for a certain "five star chicken rice" but problem is she doesn't know where it is..so for a few minutes we were like
1) tourists (asking 7-11 store assistants and taxi drivers for directions)
2) game show contestants (calling whichever friend we thought would be familiar with the area) and
3) food hunters (ala mankansutra or those channel 8 ones with bryan wong)
we ended up getting directions from a taxi driver and walking aimlessly down river valley road without knowing exactly where the place was! so we just walked and walked and walked until..we saw great world city! then i realised where she was talking about! it was along a stretch of shophouses where my dad used to bring us for "gai si mee" (sliced chicken mushroom noodles) when i was younger..when i told her my sudden realisation, she said "yeah! correct!"..kaoz..can knock her head siah..as a reward for our persistance and long walk, we had a super filling dinner..more because when we complained about our plate of chicken having too much bones and too little meat (after eating half of it!), the manager changed a whole new plate of chicken meat for us! to digest our dinner, we did what we initially were dead against doing..we walked back to mohd sultan! somehow, when you know your way the walk seems shorter la!
for dessert (yes we had dessert! because jinxy said "there is always room for dessert!"), we went to this place beside her workplace called canele..nice and quiet place to slack and slowly savour the cakes, which despite their "petite" appearances were creamy and rich..we had one called le royale and another coffee one..sinful sinful..we ended up amusing ourselves by disecting the last piece of the coffee cake which was made of (from the bottom up) sponge cake, walnut cream with walnut chucks in it, another layer of cake (chocolate i think) and coffee mousse!

then she had to work..and so i spent the remainder of the evening sitting at the bar at her workplace sipping ice water to rinse off the sweetness of the cakes, occasionally talking to her whilst she whizzed around the bar, heard her boss tell a story about how an angmo held a door for someone and was called a xenophobic in return, watched a bit of the liverpool match before i finally got off my lazy butt and left at halftime..the place was starting to fill up and someone kept reminding me how i said i would leave before the first match started and that since i've stayed i might as well stay until the last match ended! bo ko leng..
now i'm looking at less than 6 hours of sleep before waking for church in the morning, watching click at noon with karen, a football match in the evening and (just maybe only!) dinner out with kenneth, yaling and aileen! i need rest!

we arrived late for the play and had to sit out the opening song..though judging from what we saw on the screen outside the theatre, we didn't miss that much..when we made it in, sebastian was explaining the concept of how the play came about which was quite amusing; something along the lines of how if a beng wants to make it big, he has to perform more than just at seventh month getais, he has to do broadway musicals which, explains the title..the play was a mixture of hokkien and english songs with lots of funny banter in between..besides being quite funny, he has a really solid singing voice! gosh..eat that singapore idols! when he announced the last song, jinxy and i were like "that's fast!" but our handphones confirmed that one and a half hours had indeed passed..so sad..he ended up with a hilarious version of "stand up for singapore"..what i'd like to see is a dim sum dollies vs broadway beng musical! that'd be cool! speaking of which, dim sum dollies will be back in little shop of horrors in november!

after the play, jinx suddenly had this urge for a certain "five star chicken rice" but problem is she doesn't know where it is..so for a few minutes we were like
1) tourists (asking 7-11 store assistants and taxi drivers for directions)
2) game show contestants (calling whichever friend we thought would be familiar with the area) and
3) food hunters (ala mankansutra or those channel 8 ones with bryan wong)
we ended up getting directions from a taxi driver and walking aimlessly down river valley road without knowing exactly where the place was! so we just walked and walked and walked until..we saw great world city! then i realised where she was talking about! it was along a stretch of shophouses where my dad used to bring us for "gai si mee" (sliced chicken mushroom noodles) when i was younger..when i told her my sudden realisation, she said "yeah! correct!"..kaoz..can knock her head siah..as a reward for our persistance and long walk, we had a super filling dinner..more because when we complained about our plate of chicken having too much bones and too little meat (after eating half of it!), the manager changed a whole new plate of chicken meat for us! to digest our dinner, we did what we initially were dead against doing..we walked back to mohd sultan! somehow, when you know your way the walk seems shorter la!
for dessert (yes we had dessert! because jinxy said "there is always room for dessert!"), we went to this place beside her workplace called canele..nice and quiet place to slack and slowly savour the cakes, which despite their "petite" appearances were creamy and rich..we had one called le royale and another coffee one..sinful sinful..we ended up amusing ourselves by disecting the last piece of the coffee cake which was made of (from the bottom up) sponge cake, walnut cream with walnut chucks in it, another layer of cake (chocolate i think) and coffee mousse!

then she had to work..and so i spent the remainder of the evening sitting at the bar at her workplace sipping ice water to rinse off the sweetness of the cakes, occasionally talking to her whilst she whizzed around the bar, heard her boss tell a story about how an angmo held a door for someone and was called a xenophobic in return, watched a bit of the liverpool match before i finally got off my lazy butt and left at halftime..the place was starting to fill up and someone kept reminding me how i said i would leave before the first match started and that since i've stayed i might as well stay until the last match ended! bo ko leng..
now i'm looking at less than 6 hours of sleep before waking for church in the morning, watching click at noon with karen, a football match in the evening and (just maybe only!) dinner out with kenneth, yaling and aileen! i need rest!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
of the break-up, jelly beans and too much food..
it's been a tiring week..
helped out jess' sister leya at her company, co-organization in preparation for an upcoming public forum..answering calls, helping in admin stuff and entertaining (or irritating) her! been a real eye-opener, getting to see how an event gets put together, the hustle and bustle of liaising with the client and then coordinating with the various vendors..nice but really exhausting..despite being paid a dollar less for every hour as compared to at access direct, i chalked up almost the same amount for four days as i did for one and a half weeks at access direct!
went to catch the break-up with kenneth and bee hui at the cathay..initially, i thought the movie was pretty crappy and pointless, especially with a "what the!" type of ending..but upon reflection it suddenly made perfect sense..the plot and the characters may seem a tad confusing because they don't seem to know what they want and how they feel throughout the show..but aren't break-ups like that? the feeling of wanting to hold on but to let go at the same time? the feeling of loving yet hating that very same person? the fightings and arguments may be over-exaggerated and trivial but it all adds to the fun of the show..as for the ending, let's just say i understand :)

triggered by aileen, i went in search of the elusive "jelly beans from 7-11"! why "elusive"? it's like i went into three different 7-11s on thursday night and none of them sold anything remotely looking like jelly beans! but just when i thought maybe they had sold out or something, i found them on friday at the branch at orchard!

not very nice though, too chewy for my liking :/ but the jaffa cakes from marks and spencer are really really goooooooooooooooooood :)
wanted to chill out somewhere but couldn't find any kaki so ended up having dinner with ning at bugis (she "kopped" one packet of my jelly beans btw!)..we ate at this stall opposite bugis junction called yukee..apparently, it is reknowned for it's duck rice, kway chap, roasted duck noodles and char siew noodles..ning had the duck rice and i had the kway chap and turns out it is really quite good and for $3 each only!

later at night, just when i was about to k-o for the day, kenneth jio-ed supper at simpang bedok which i reluctantly accepted because i had a really exhausting week..alex and gwen (who pointed out that it's been more than a year since we last met!) came along as well..i thought maybe just go there grab a prata and that's that..but when gwen and kenneth both ordered roti john, i was also tempted to try it..i mean, roti john with mushroom and cheese leh! sounds tantilising rite? it was pretty good but i was also pretty damn full (and sleepy) after finishing the whole thing myself..sinful man..all these oily food so late at night!
going for broadway beng now..should be lots of fun! (: epl starts tonight! watching click tomorrow (i think, i hope)! it's going to be a swell weekend!
helped out jess' sister leya at her company, co-organization in preparation for an upcoming public forum..answering calls, helping in admin stuff and entertaining (or irritating) her! been a real eye-opener, getting to see how an event gets put together, the hustle and bustle of liaising with the client and then coordinating with the various vendors..nice but really exhausting..despite being paid a dollar less for every hour as compared to at access direct, i chalked up almost the same amount for four days as i did for one and a half weeks at access direct!
went to catch the break-up with kenneth and bee hui at the cathay..initially, i thought the movie was pretty crappy and pointless, especially with a "what the!" type of ending..but upon reflection it suddenly made perfect sense..the plot and the characters may seem a tad confusing because they don't seem to know what they want and how they feel throughout the show..but aren't break-ups like that? the feeling of wanting to hold on but to let go at the same time? the feeling of loving yet hating that very same person? the fightings and arguments may be over-exaggerated and trivial but it all adds to the fun of the show..as for the ending, let's just say i understand :)

triggered by aileen, i went in search of the elusive "jelly beans from 7-11"! why "elusive"? it's like i went into three different 7-11s on thursday night and none of them sold anything remotely looking like jelly beans! but just when i thought maybe they had sold out or something, i found them on friday at the branch at orchard!

not very nice though, too chewy for my liking :/ but the jaffa cakes from marks and spencer are really really goooooooooooooooooood :)
wanted to chill out somewhere but couldn't find any kaki so ended up having dinner with ning at bugis (she "kopped" one packet of my jelly beans btw!)..we ate at this stall opposite bugis junction called yukee..apparently, it is reknowned for it's duck rice, kway chap, roasted duck noodles and char siew noodles..ning had the duck rice and i had the kway chap and turns out it is really quite good and for $3 each only!

later at night, just when i was about to k-o for the day, kenneth jio-ed supper at simpang bedok which i reluctantly accepted because i had a really exhausting week..alex and gwen (who pointed out that it's been more than a year since we last met!) came along as well..i thought maybe just go there grab a prata and that's that..but when gwen and kenneth both ordered roti john, i was also tempted to try it..i mean, roti john with mushroom and cheese leh! sounds tantilising rite? it was pretty good but i was also pretty damn full (and sleepy) after finishing the whole thing myself..sinful man..all these oily food so late at night!
going for broadway beng now..should be lots of fun! (: epl starts tonight! watching click tomorrow (i think, i hope)! it's going to be a swell weekend!
Monday, August 14, 2006
a muse..
addy says:
the bed is your best friend..most of us sleep with it at night..
roll on it..
drool on it..
bounce on it..
or even perform some NC-16 stuff on it (contains nude scenes)..
but you should never..
kick it..
it has feelings too..
it will hurt..
jess says that i am not good at talking cock..but i am supposedly (according to her) VERY good at talking cock..
but honestly now..am i?
the bed is your best friend..most of us sleep with it at night..
roll on it..
drool on it..
bounce on it..
or even perform some NC-16 stuff on it (contains nude scenes)..
but you should never..
kick it..
it has feelings too..
it will hurt..
jess says that i am not good at talking cock..but i am supposedly (according to her) VERY good at talking cock..
but honestly now..am i?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
fireworks.. again!
for the second night in a row i was at the esplanade for the fireworks display..this time i went with adrienne (my friend from air force..i used to be known as her "meimei"!!) and her friend, irene..if the crowd yesterday was bad..then today it's more than two times worse! we got subway take-aways and reached there before 8pm..the whole place was already filled to the brim! goodness..initially we followed the crowd and got stuck in a massive human jam..thankfully we somehow managed to forge a path and made it to the steps at the waterfront..two kind aunties even made space for us so that we could sit while we waited! so cool! apparently they have been there since 5.30pm!
when the display started at 9pm, everyone was on their feet, admiring the fireworks-lit sky to a symphony of "ooo"s and "aaahhh"s..and just for that 15 minutes, it seemed like the whole world stood still as the sky glittered and sparkled in a colourful splendour.. adrienne and i agreed it was a trip worthwhile though both of us were there the night before - we both had crappy views then! when it was all over, i asked the two aunties if that 15 minutes was worth their three hours wait..and i can still picture those gleeful smiles on their faces as they told me in no uncertain terms "of course!"
i'm tired, my eyes are closing and i'm starting to see fireworks on my screen (those are the photos? oh riiight..)..
good night..
when the display started at 9pm, everyone was on their feet, admiring the fireworks-lit sky to a symphony of "ooo"s and "aaahhh"s..and just for that 15 minutes, it seemed like the whole world stood still as the sky glittered and sparkled in a colourful splendour.. adrienne and i agreed it was a trip worthwhile though both of us were there the night before - we both had crappy views then! when it was all over, i asked the two aunties if that 15 minutes was worth their three hours wait..and i can still picture those gleeful smiles on their faces as they told me in no uncertain terms "of course!"
i'm tired, my eyes are closing and i'm starting to see fireworks on my screen (those are the photos? oh riiight..)..
good night..
Saturday, August 12, 2006
went to catch the fireworks display last night at the esplanade with ning..and in my own words it was so fuh-reaking crowded! all the eating places in the vacinity were filled to the max..even at millenia walk! it was pretty crazy..

despite being "impaired" by the trees and surrounded by droves of sweaty people, the fireworks were still spectacular! (:
here's something amusing i found on nme..
Organisers of a Pussycat Dolls show have been fined for flouting decency laws in Malaysia.
On Tuesday (August 8) the band's promoters Absolute Entertainment were charged 10,000 Ringgits (£1,436) for allowing the band to perform "sexually suggestive" routines.
The fine was the result of an article published in the Malay Mail that quoted Culture Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Mohamad Arif Abdul Rahman as saying: "I believe the way the Pussycat Dolls behaved onstage amounted to gross indecency."
No officials were present at the concert, which took place at Sunway Lagoon theme park, south of Kuala Lumpur.
However, the fine has been reduced by 50 per cent.
"The compound notice issued was for RM10,000, but it's only payable if the matter goes to court. As the organisers settled the fine early, they were entitled to a 50 per cent discount," Rahman said yesterday (August 10).
hahaha..damn funny..i know this is the seventh month but i didn't know ghost complaints are also valid!! hahaha..and break law also got discount ar? so does that mean, if i robbed a bank and i turn myself in early, i still get to keep half my share of the loot? hahaha..
and here's a rarity..something alex said that actually makes sense!
if you love someone, let him/her know..
if you're uncomfortable to express it straight to his/her face, there's the email, snail mail, sms, phone, msn, blog and what-not..so what are you waiting for? you never know what you're going to find behind that door until you take a risk, make the first move and open it..for all you know, someone is waiting for you too..

despite being "impaired" by the trees and surrounded by droves of sweaty people, the fireworks were still spectacular! (:
here's something amusing i found on nme..
Organisers of a Pussycat Dolls show have been fined for flouting decency laws in Malaysia.
On Tuesday (August 8) the band's promoters Absolute Entertainment were charged 10,000 Ringgits (£1,436) for allowing the band to perform "sexually suggestive" routines.
The fine was the result of an article published in the Malay Mail that quoted Culture Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Mohamad Arif Abdul Rahman as saying: "I believe the way the Pussycat Dolls behaved onstage amounted to gross indecency."
No officials were present at the concert, which took place at Sunway Lagoon theme park, south of Kuala Lumpur.
However, the fine has been reduced by 50 per cent.
"The compound notice issued was for RM10,000, but it's only payable if the matter goes to court. As the organisers settled the fine early, they were entitled to a 50 per cent discount," Rahman said yesterday (August 10).
hahaha..damn funny..i know this is the seventh month but i didn't know ghost complaints are also valid!! hahaha..and break law also got discount ar? so does that mean, if i robbed a bank and i turn myself in early, i still get to keep half my share of the loot? hahaha..
and here's a rarity..something alex said that actually makes sense!
if you love someone, let him/her know..
if you're uncomfortable to express it straight to his/her face, there's the email, snail mail, sms, phone, msn, blog and what-not..so what are you waiting for? you never know what you're going to find behind that door until you take a risk, make the first move and open it..for all you know, someone is waiting for you too..
Friday, August 11, 2006
a post for 9th august..
i was just looking around the other day and there were singapore flags everywhere..buses, taxis, cars, houses..which got me thinking..does national pride only appear during national day? it's like for most of the year, people complain about the government, complain about the weather, complain about how other countries are better, complain about the economy and complain about anything else they can find to complain about..and when national day nears, these same people would die just for a pair of tickets to the ndp..maybe it's like how some guys only buy roses for their girlfriends on valentine's day or how some people only go to church on christmas..or maybe they are like me..afterall, which country is safer or more peaceful? i mean, people in other coutries moan about their government, economy and weather too..i guess the grass is always greener on the other side..sure, we are not blessed with wide open fields or big white sandy beaches or a shopping district as long as the pan island expressway, but what we are blessed with is already the envy of many others..so even if it's just for one day, let's remember and be grateful..happy 41st birthday singapore and happy national day everyone (ableit a belated one)!
as of 7 august, monash university has stopped offering its courses through tmc..the reason given was that "the changed arrangement was the result of the university's strategic intent to focus on building up its research capabilities and encouraging undergraduate programmes based on on-campus experience"..it disturbs me when a university throws out a statement like this..which doesn't help existing perception most companies already have about distance learning degrees.. despite that, i'm proud in a way to be amongst the last few monash university graduates to graduate here in singapore! hey, we are ranked higher than ntu ok! :P
eh jinx, i buy the kahlua for you la..you make me the brown cow k? deal or not? :P
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i keyed this into my handphone when i was outside..then did some editing when i got home..my intention is to make it sound abstract but now it just sounds like something is amissed or ironically absent..
makes the heart fonder
or does it make the heart forget?
does it make one stronger
to let go of regret
that we didn't
it didn't used to matter
the heart yearns
to feel a presence
fond memories
nothing absent
addy (10 august 2006)
Copyright AD© All Rights Reserved 2006.
Monday, August 07, 2006
it's the national day week! which means..probably no interviews and no responses until friday! oh well, at least i still have the temp assignment with jinhui until i find a job..she's been really nice about it, letting me leave early and giving me time off for my interviews..funny how she trusts me despite knowing each other for such a short time..haha..i'm even like her personal hr manager now..
want to catch two shows..the lake house and click..i know lots of guys will cringe saying the lake house is just a typical love story (where we all know the ending!) probably made worse with keanu reeves as the male lead..but who cares! honestly most people don't read love stories for the endings anyway..it's more the process and the storyline which captivates..or maybe i'm biased cuz i'm a sucker for romance novels and shows..oh well..
itchyyyyyyyyyyy itchyyyyy..this is the part about getting a tan that i really hate..argh! luckily there's no peeling..phew..
want to catch two shows..the lake house and click..i know lots of guys will cringe saying the lake house is just a typical love story (where we all know the ending!) probably made worse with keanu reeves as the male lead..but who cares! honestly most people don't read love stories for the endings anyway..it's more the process and the storyline which captivates..or maybe i'm biased cuz i'm a sucker for romance novels and shows..oh well..
itchyyyyyyyyyyy itchyyyyy..this is the part about getting a tan that i really hate..argh! luckily there's no peeling..phew..
Saturday, August 05, 2006
i am so red! especially my shoulders! argh..hope my skin don't peel like the last time.. was at sentosa with karen and samuel (karen's bro) today..it was decided quite impromptu this morning but the plan was to get a tan and then try out the skyride and luge.. after our tanning session, we dropped by km8 for a drink..the shooter names were quite "suggestive"; there was this one called "blowjob"..we spent a few minutes amusing ourselves with that..the best one which came out of our short musing was samuel's.."how long will it take to come?" hahaha..funny stuff..
though it's been around for quite some time already, it's our first time trying out the rides..the skyride was pretty nerve-wrecking for me - i'm quite a sissy when it comes to flimsy structures and heights! the first time was the worst; we were not really prepared when it came and we all sat towards one side so the carriage was lop-sided..to make matters worse, the ride stopped halfway and we were suspended in mid-air for around half a minute while the afternoon breeze swayed our carriage gently from side to side..at least karen's wailing eased the tension somewhat! :P the next two went considerably better - i guess partly because we already knew what to expect.. the luge on the other hand was really fun though it was (as my friends had forewarned) quite a short ride downhill..but considering we took the package ($15 for 3 skyrides and 3 luge), it was well worth it! plus we had lots of fun on the rides (up and down 3 times leh!) and posing for the cameras while on the skyride and the luge (will post them up when i get them).. we were in sentosa from 12.30pm to nearly 6pm but time seemed to pass so fast! hope we can go back soon! now i just want to catch up on my 4 hours of sleep from last night!

12.30am - saturday morning (friday night)..
went to nus to pick jinxy up to meet kenneth at fong seng for supper..
upon sitting down:
jinxy: the food sucks!
while ordering:
jinxy: try the cheese prata..
and so i obediently ordered..
after supper:
addy: it really sucks!
jinxy: i told you so..
addy: then why you ask me to order the cheese prata?
jinxy: to prove to you it really sucks!
can die! anyway, it was really really salty!! i think it was either the cheese or the ah neh making the prata was one heavy "sweater"!! the only good (or bad) thing was that they gave me two pratas (double the torture?) for the price of one.. after supper, we went up to kent ridge park - apparently kenneth has this fetish of spying on people as they made out..due to a lack of "action", we ended up just sitting there talking a lot..when it was time to go, jinxy wanted to show me the "initial d" route..
jinxy: eh speed up leh..
addy: -makes a sharp corner-
jinxy: woah..why you go so fast?
can die! ended up home at around 4am and slept about 5am.. and..as i had expected, my biological clock woke me up at 9am this morning! why la!
lots of people misunderstand..or is it because they can see clearer?
though it's been around for quite some time already, it's our first time trying out the rides..the skyride was pretty nerve-wrecking for me - i'm quite a sissy when it comes to flimsy structures and heights! the first time was the worst; we were not really prepared when it came and we all sat towards one side so the carriage was lop-sided..to make matters worse, the ride stopped halfway and we were suspended in mid-air for around half a minute while the afternoon breeze swayed our carriage gently from side to side..at least karen's wailing eased the tension somewhat! :P the next two went considerably better - i guess partly because we already knew what to expect.. the luge on the other hand was really fun though it was (as my friends had forewarned) quite a short ride downhill..but considering we took the package ($15 for 3 skyrides and 3 luge), it was well worth it! plus we had lots of fun on the rides (up and down 3 times leh!) and posing for the cameras while on the skyride and the luge (will post them up when i get them).. we were in sentosa from 12.30pm to nearly 6pm but time seemed to pass so fast! hope we can go back soon! now i just want to catch up on my 4 hours of sleep from last night!

12.30am - saturday morning (friday night)..
went to nus to pick jinxy up to meet kenneth at fong seng for supper..
upon sitting down:
jinxy: the food sucks!
while ordering:
jinxy: try the cheese prata..
and so i obediently ordered..
after supper:
addy: it really sucks!
jinxy: i told you so..
addy: then why you ask me to order the cheese prata?
jinxy: to prove to you it really sucks!
can die! anyway, it was really really salty!! i think it was either the cheese or the ah neh making the prata was one heavy "sweater"!! the only good (or bad) thing was that they gave me two pratas (double the torture?) for the price of one.. after supper, we went up to kent ridge park - apparently kenneth has this fetish of spying on people as they made out..due to a lack of "action", we ended up just sitting there talking a lot..when it was time to go, jinxy wanted to show me the "initial d" route..
jinxy: eh speed up leh..
addy: -makes a sharp corner-
jinxy: woah..why you go so fast?
can die! ended up home at around 4am and slept about 5am.. and..as i had expected, my biological clock woke me up at 9am this morning! why la!
lots of people misunderstand..or is it because they can see clearer?
Friday, August 04, 2006
this just came into my head on my way home.. you know how girls combine their maiden surname with their husband's surname these days? well i suddenly thought what if i married a girl whose surname was tan..that'd make her a tan-tan (steamed egg!) hehehehe :P i know..lame-o.. but at least it's better than lim-tay or tay-oh or chew-boo rite? -grins- okok..i stop i stop! :x
what is happening to us?
what exactly is this?
that when i talk
you think you feel bliss
this is so unreal
and i,
i'm just as clueless as you
where do we go from here?
so long and goodbye?
or well..maybe
we can give it a try
i look to you for an answer
you waited for a reply
i shake my head
you sigh
"really i can do without this"
"so can i honestly"
"but i don't know.."
"i'm just as confused, trust me!"
"do you think it is what i think this is?"
"well i'm not exactly sure"
"if i agreed, would you feel better?"
you shrugged, "maybe"
"maybe we can give it a try?"
i look to you for an answer
you leaned over to reply
addy (04 august 2006)
Copyright AD© All Rights Reserved 2006.
went walking about gramophone at raffles place after my interview with hellomoto! (which went alright)..on my way out, the sales lady (i forgot her name!) called out to me "hey haven't seen you around in a while"..i was like "woah!"..honestly, i don't actually believe i make much of an impact on people so it came rather as a surprise that she recognises me..and when i told her i was looking for a marketing position, she called their main office to help me enquire if the company had a vacancy! "woah woah!" in the end, it turned out that the position was taken but this really made my day..thank you (i'll get your name the next time!)! (:
trying out a new magic trick..any volunteers to be my tester? :P
what is happening to us?
what exactly is this?
that when i talk
you think you feel bliss
this is so unreal
and i,
i'm just as clueless as you
where do we go from here?
so long and goodbye?
or well..maybe
we can give it a try
i look to you for an answer
you waited for a reply
i shake my head
you sigh
"really i can do without this"
"so can i honestly"
"but i don't know.."
"i'm just as confused, trust me!"
"do you think it is what i think this is?"
"well i'm not exactly sure"
"if i agreed, would you feel better?"
you shrugged, "maybe"
"maybe we can give it a try?"
i look to you for an answer
you leaned over to reply
addy (04 august 2006)
Copyright AD© All Rights Reserved 2006.
went walking about gramophone at raffles place after my interview with hellomoto! (which went alright)..on my way out, the sales lady (i forgot her name!) called out to me "hey haven't seen you around in a while"..i was like "woah!"..honestly, i don't actually believe i make much of an impact on people so it came rather as a surprise that she recognises me..and when i told her i was looking for a marketing position, she called their main office to help me enquire if the company had a vacancy! "woah woah!" in the end, it turned out that the position was taken but this really made my day..thank you (i'll get your name the next time!)! (:
trying out a new magic trick..any volunteers to be my tester? :P
Thursday, August 03, 2006
i - a - h
i log on to blogger..click create..and then..i wonder what to blog.. i wish i can rant on about the state of the world, morals and all that but really, i'm in a me, myself, addy and adrian mood so let's not spoil it now shall we? i know there's a war going on in the middle east but honestly, is there a need to debate who's right or wrong? lives are being lost out there..the funny part is some country can bomb bomb bomb then say "eh sorry hor..i really didn't mean to drop the bomb there la.."..so the bombs were supposed to hit somewhere more crowded? -duh- oh and, noel gallagher must have had a pretty bad nightmare last night of a certain paul twohill killing sally with his rendition of oasis' "don't look back in anger"..
anyways.. telemarketing this week has been going fine..to me, it's more about helping out a friend than for the money but then again..do you regard someone you hardly know as a friend? as in really really hardly hardly know? i'm weird this way i guess.. interviews and potential jobs are coming along at a pretty decent pace but it's still the ibm and mooks ones i'm eyeing the most..i've got motorola tomorrow morning and i'm like so totally anti-motorola..oh well, i'll try to like them better if they employ me..
hope to catch click this weekend..maybe (pending the outcome of karen's visit to "the dentist")..it looks like a really fun show from the trailers..plus i'm an adam sandler fan! :P also planning for broadway beng..jinxy's like more enthu than i am! resulting in a weird phenomenon called the tele-poot-ie..maybe it's due to her increased level of enthusiasm or maybe she accidentally synchronised us through one of her p.a.s! if it's the last one, maybe i should just p.a. her back..muahahaha.. i've said too much..
addy out!
some amusing stuff..
i found a parody of james blunt's you're beautiful on weird al yankovic's website..the starting is just so classic weird al! hehe..
click here to download "weird al yankovic - you're pitiful"
saw this on sam's msn nick..haha..use your mouse to move zidane and the left button to headbutt! cool!
anyways.. telemarketing this week has been going fine..to me, it's more about helping out a friend than for the money but then again..do you regard someone you hardly know as a friend? as in really really hardly hardly know? i'm weird this way i guess.. interviews and potential jobs are coming along at a pretty decent pace but it's still the ibm and mooks ones i'm eyeing the most..i've got motorola tomorrow morning and i'm like so totally anti-motorola..oh well, i'll try to like them better if they employ me..
hope to catch click this weekend..maybe (pending the outcome of karen's visit to "the dentist")..it looks like a really fun show from the trailers..plus i'm an adam sandler fan! :P also planning for broadway beng..jinxy's like more enthu than i am! resulting in a weird phenomenon called the tele-poot-ie..maybe it's due to her increased level of enthusiasm or maybe she accidentally synchronised us through one of her p.a.s! if it's the last one, maybe i should just p.a. her back..muahahaha.. i've said too much..
addy out!
some amusing stuff..
i found a parody of james blunt's you're beautiful on weird al yankovic's website..the starting is just so classic weird al! hehe..
click here to download "weird al yankovic - you're pitiful"
saw this on sam's msn nick..haha..use your mouse to move zidane and the left button to headbutt! cool!
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