In the last few weeks, yaling and karen both got their dream jobs..whereas mine (remember fullerton?) kind of dissolved when i woke up one morning. Oh yeah, they actually sent me a rejection letter as well, which is kind of maybe i should laminate it and frame it up..
addy: check this out..i got rejected by FULLERTON before leh! got cert somemore! stylo bo?
friend: wah..high class their letterhead quite nice hor?
I know i sound bitter and jealous and i admit, yes i am..not so much towards yaling or karen but i ask myself why and how come people who sent resumes out just a few weeks can obtain jobs while here i am still unemployed and interviewless for more than two whole months. Maybe it's the distance learning, or maybe i have no honours (and/ or honour? but i SERVED my country for 6 years honours meh?) or maybe it's just that they are in a more specialised field. Much like most things in my life at the moment i don't know, i have no answer and i wish i knew how to make things work..
But over the past few days, things are looking up a little..i've got a few phone calls (NOT i call them hor!) for potential it's up to me to accomplish the next step - woo them over and kickstart my career! yaling and karen, i AM really really happy for you guys..i'm glad you understand my situation and have carried on encouraging me..hope you guys can live out your dreams in your dream jobs!
The stock market has been atrocious over the past two profit for this year (i shall not mention figures..but it ain't in hundreds!) accumulated over the past five months were wiped clean within two weeks..this is the worse period since i started nearly two years back..funny how it seemed so rosy before 6th of may and how it all crashed after that..
I got my hair cut and coloured at jean yip today..thought they only did those body wellness and slimming stuff..something is wrong with their marketing strategy la. Anyway, i feel kind of cheated cuz i can hardly see the colour but at least the ugly highlights i had are gone..the hair cut and service was pretty normal though..

Guess the colour of my hair..
Hint: It's not black!
No, i AM serious!
hmm.. let me guess...
with a tint of purple?
oh my goodness..purple?! gabriel also said the same thing! -faintz-
heyyy your brows look dyed too! lol. and they look.. blue!
on a sidenote, i keep accidentally clicking on your picture and this big thing keeps popping up to haunt me. ;x
tze: my dear! one year older and you've colour blindness already?? :P
erm... still looks black!!!!
hahaha.. looks like the mahjong sessions with gabriel have got the both of us to think the same way... LOL...
hmmm... mahogany? (sorry i cant seem to spell it right) =P
so what's the colour?!
jx: it is not black la! i think it's more obvious now! :P
chris: yeah la..then next time can read each other's move in mahjong sibo? but you got it's mahogany! :)
jas: mahogany mahogany..not purple! -kicks up a fuss- -whines-
OH YEAH! i got it right!!!!
SO! does that mean i will get a present for guessing and spelling the right colour?????
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