Went to catch The Da Vinci Code today..i know it sounds pretty weird but i'm one of those (rare probably) few who have not read the book and probably won't bother to..just isn't my kind of story i suppose..but out of curiosity more than a real "need to", i went with ningy to see what the big fuss was about. Okay, so there were quite a lot of religious references, assumptions and theories..not sure if it's Ron Howard's direction or just the story itself, it's pretty obvious to me that most parts are just fiction meant to provoke the audience and nothing more malicious than that. Sure, there is that controversy over the role of Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail but even before Dan Brown's book, i'm pretty sure that there were other writings on this topic..Dan Brown probably commercialised the whole thing and brought it to a wider audience than previous writings..spurning a movie, a whole bunch of "decoder books" and even a playstation game in the process..but then, apparently his books are no stranger to such controversy..

Back to the movie then..though it clocked in at nearly 2.5hrs, i found it well paced and a pretty decent show..the plot was well planned out - the various riddles and puzzles were a nice touch and are probably what kept me interested besides the religious stuff..and i thought Audrey Tautou was quite outstanding as Sophie..the ending was a little of a let down though..such a typical hollywood ending (but wait..no french kissing scenes?!)..ning said that the storyline in the book was a little different..funny how it failed to inspire me to look for the book to read up..guess like i said, it's not really my kind of story. No complaints about the movie though, i quite enjoyed myself today :)
It's a good movie. The only let-down is the ending scene, as the book's ending is better.
No loss even if you've not read the book, the movie by itself covers almost every part.
yeah..i felt the ending was rather weak..but oh well..it wasn't too bad overall i guess :)
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