Monday, December 01, 2008


in the aftermath of the mumbai terrorist attacks and hearing our dear government officials boasting about how singapore is so secure, our police force and military are so capable and that such terrorism will never happen in singapore, i just have one question...

where is mas selamat?

yup, talking about that partially disabled j.i. member who somehow limped out of a "highly secured" police area and have eluded our "world class" police and military forces until today! and who has been incidentally (and conveniently), been totally forgotten...

we may think mumbai is far away but there are mad people closer to home than you think..we just have not seen them yet..let us hope and pray that when these crazy people do appear, our police and military forces can really show just how "capable" and "world class" they really are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's a wayang world out there....