Thursday, January 03, 2008

english..taught by auntie bk

was at burger king having my lunch on new year's eve and i overheard (well, not exactly overheard since they were talking rather loudly and even if i tried not to, i'd still hear them quite clearly!) two aunties' conversation..auntie 1 was lamenting to auntie 2 about her son being taught by a chinese (from china) teacher..

auntie 1: son's china teacher ar..i tell you damn ploblem ar..everything also call..say my son never do his homework ar blaaah blaah blah blah blah.. (i am not making this up by the way, she really went "blaaah blaah blah blah blah" and the way she said it was damn amusing! but that's not the best part yet..)..most of the time i cannot understand her..she is from beijing la..her engrish ar is damn bad!

when i heard that last bit, my sprite nearly forced its way out of my mouth! i know i am mean but come on, admit it, you laughed too when you read that! what? not even a snigger? or a smile? liar! there are more to that conversation but i shall not type a longwinded post on primary 5 streaming and secondary school choices in my first post of 2008!

to one and all!

1 comment:

j. said...

oei blog leh!!!!!