monday, 20 august 2007
@ gv plaza with alvin, jack and sheena
despite all the hype, this movie was not on my must-watch list..this deduction came based on the trailer, i could not find myself interested in the theme..but after several good reviews (including one from my brother who told me "should watch"!), i upgraded the movie status to "try to watch"..then by chance, i won a pair of complimentary tickets from 77th Street for 881! now if you thought i upgraded the movie status again, you are was more more a case of "let's not waste the tickets la"! :P
the show was enjoyable enough and i think creating the movie as a musical using getai songs was a really fasinating idea! but that said, certain parts just didn't connect while others were too "artistic" for my liking..i'd say all in all, it is quite a nice movie..but as i had previously thought, it is just not my kind of theme (yes, even though i watched it for free)...
tuesday, 21 august 2007
some things are meant to be..irrational..
just like how i love you..
saturday, 25 august 2007
womad singapore
@ fort canning park with karen
i've heard so much about womad but i've never actually found myself interested enough to attend a single one to date..for those unfamiliar with womad, it is a festival of sorts, a celebration of world music. so what brought us to fort canning park you may ask? well, you can call me a cheapo but the main reason was that karen managed to obtain a pair of complimentary passes!
but our "virgin" experience at womad was a time we will probably not forget! in fact, it was quite addictive..we danced along and we sang along..not knowing a single word we sang or heard in the songs but just hearing the melody, tapping to the beats and feeling the energy made us one with the was quite magical really. if you see me there next year, don't call me a cheapo, i'd probably have paid my way in! :)
the acts we caught:
1. OKI Dub Ainu Band (Japan)
2. Etran Finatawa (Niger)
3. David D'Or (Israel)
4. Clube do Balanco (Brazil)
5. Youssou N'Dour & the Super Etoile de Dakar (Senegal)
saturday, 01 september 2007
@ cathay cineleisure with karen
despite my love for animated movies, i wasn't really interested in watching this..afterall, a show about a rat who cooks??? sounds downright cheesy doesn't it? i can't even remember when i started feeling like catching this to be honest..probably when karen asked "you want to watch ratatouille?"! but thankfully for me, she did..because it is great! besides the animation, the storyline and the theme all blend nicely together..the pace of the story is just nice, without overcomplicating matters despite there being two main leads, remy (the rat) and linguini (the son of a great chef who cannot cook)..i also liked that the ending was subtle rather than those overdramatic big bang finishes most movies have these days..ok sure the rat (remy) still cooks (oh and he runs the kitchen at the end as well!) but hey it's a cartoon right?
as an added bonus, there is also a short cartoon called lifted before the main course (ratatouille)'s about this alien who is training on how to abduct a boy..with hilarious consequences..damn funny!
it's been an eventful 2 weeks since i last updated my there, have been extreme downs and extreme ups..there were times i questioned myself with no concrete answers and more questions bouncing back at me..there were times i just wanted to give up..
in the end, i am glad i persisted..
in the end, i'm with you..
and i hope to be with you until the end...

@ gv plaza with alvin, jack and sheena
despite all the hype, this movie was not on my must-watch list..this deduction came based on the trailer, i could not find myself interested in the theme..but after several good reviews (including one from my brother who told me "should watch"!), i upgraded the movie status to "try to watch"..then by chance, i won a pair of complimentary tickets from 77th Street for 881! now if you thought i upgraded the movie status again, you are was more more a case of "let's not waste the tickets la"! :P
the show was enjoyable enough and i think creating the movie as a musical using getai songs was a really fasinating idea! but that said, certain parts just didn't connect while others were too "artistic" for my liking..i'd say all in all, it is quite a nice movie..but as i had previously thought, it is just not my kind of theme (yes, even though i watched it for free)...
tuesday, 21 august 2007
some things are meant to be..irrational..
just like how i love you..
saturday, 25 august 2007

@ fort canning park with karen
i've heard so much about womad but i've never actually found myself interested enough to attend a single one to date..for those unfamiliar with womad, it is a festival of sorts, a celebration of world music. so what brought us to fort canning park you may ask? well, you can call me a cheapo but the main reason was that karen managed to obtain a pair of complimentary passes!
but our "virgin" experience at womad was a time we will probably not forget! in fact, it was quite addictive..we danced along and we sang along..not knowing a single word we sang or heard in the songs but just hearing the melody, tapping to the beats and feeling the energy made us one with the was quite magical really. if you see me there next year, don't call me a cheapo, i'd probably have paid my way in! :)
the acts we caught:
1. OKI Dub Ainu Band (Japan)
2. Etran Finatawa (Niger)
3. David D'Or (Israel)
4. Clube do Balanco (Brazil)
5. Youssou N'Dour & the Super Etoile de Dakar (Senegal)
saturday, 01 september 2007

@ cathay cineleisure with karen
despite my love for animated movies, i wasn't really interested in watching this..afterall, a show about a rat who cooks??? sounds downright cheesy doesn't it? i can't even remember when i started feeling like catching this to be honest..probably when karen asked "you want to watch ratatouille?"! but thankfully for me, she did..because it is great! besides the animation, the storyline and the theme all blend nicely together..the pace of the story is just nice, without overcomplicating matters despite there being two main leads, remy (the rat) and linguini (the son of a great chef who cannot cook)..i also liked that the ending was subtle rather than those overdramatic big bang finishes most movies have these days..ok sure the rat (remy) still cooks (oh and he runs the kitchen at the end as well!) but hey it's a cartoon right?
as an added bonus, there is also a short cartoon called lifted before the main course (ratatouille)'s about this alien who is training on how to abduct a boy..with hilarious consequences..damn funny!
it's been an eventful 2 weeks since i last updated my there, have been extreme downs and extreme ups..there were times i questioned myself with no concrete answers and more questions bouncing back at me..there were times i just wanted to give up..
in the end, i am glad i persisted..
in the end, i'm with you..
and i hope to be with you until the end...