two weeks have passed and too many things have happened for me to fully put down into here's two weeks in a few words and a few more pictures! :)
friday, 27 april 2007 team-building session

saturday, 28 april 2007 malacca road trip
...with chris, elise, jingxian, keith and kenneth
lunch was the famous malacca chicken rice balls..
famous, nice to look at but not so nice to eat...

jonker walk is malacca's night market..
we basically ooo-ed and aah-ed from stall to stall..
oh and jinx got herself a new "friend"!
dinner was at this ulu zhi char place which chris, kenneth and jingxian stumbled into on their previous trip..
the highlight was the salted egg chicken..which keith got so addicted to he was scrapping the leaf at the bottom for the crumbs! overall, dinner was pretty good and at just 6 sing bucks per person!
we finally made our way out of malacca and onto the highway around 11.30pm..throughout the journey, chris, elise and i self-entertained and self-amused ourselves with lots of crazy talk and lousy jokes (mainly from chris)..rainy weather meant we only arrived back in singapore close to 4am...
kind of wish we had one more day though..but at least it was fun while it lasted! :) a big thank you to our two drivers, chris and kenneth without whom the trip would not be possible!
all pictures courtesy of jinxy...
for "full-er" account of malacca trip, click here...
sunday, 29 april 2007
...blithe spirit
this is kind of a play of firsts..
my first play of 2007..
my first at the drama centre theatre at nlb..
and my first with marie..
well, ok the last point is rather irrelevent but three makes it sound more impressive mah! while it was mostly enjoyable and i quite liked the plot twist, it didn't really connect with me fully (probably due in part to my hangover from the malacca trip!)..all said, it is always intriguing to watch pam oei and selena tan in action..they are just so good la!
for "full-er" review of play, click here...
tuesday, 01 may 2007 levi's shoes
this pair of sneakers just shouted out at me the first time i saw them at the levi's boutique in parkway parade the previous luck would have it, my size was out of stock..i was so determined to own them that i made a reservation on the spot (still "the previous day")..and made my way down to the marina square levi's boutique specially just to collect them the very next morning! note: don't expect to see me in them too soon though..i am traumatised..i saw this ah beng dude wear the very same pair of sneakers on the mrt! yucks!
- caught up -
(more or less)
friday, 27 april 2007 team-building session

saturday, 28 april 2007 malacca road trip
...with chris, elise, jingxian, keith and kenneth

famous, nice to look at but not so nice to eat...

we basically ooo-ed and aah-ed from stall to stall..
oh and jinx got herself a new "friend"!

the highlight was the salted egg chicken..which keith got so addicted to he was scrapping the leaf at the bottom for the crumbs! overall, dinner was pretty good and at just 6 sing bucks per person!

kind of wish we had one more day though..but at least it was fun while it lasted! :) a big thank you to our two drivers, chris and kenneth without whom the trip would not be possible!
all pictures courtesy of jinxy...
for "full-er" account of malacca trip, click here...
sunday, 29 april 2007
...blithe spirit

my first play of 2007..
my first at the drama centre theatre at nlb..
and my first with marie..
well, ok the last point is rather irrelevent but three makes it sound more impressive mah! while it was mostly enjoyable and i quite liked the plot twist, it didn't really connect with me fully (probably due in part to my hangover from the malacca trip!)..all said, it is always intriguing to watch pam oei and selena tan in action..they are just so good la!
for "full-er" review of play, click here...
tuesday, 01 may 2007 levi's shoes

(more or less)
phwoah! that's alot of updates in a shot but I LIKE! hahaha!!! at least i see the Blithe Spirit updates! Muahahaha!
Thank goodnessy you found some1 to watch Spidey with or I'll feel super guilty. I was even prepared to fork out $$ to pay u to watch again! lolz*
Marie just want to see your name isit? tsk..i wouldn't dare miss out the blithe spirit update lor..else you'd hire a quack (miss arcati?) to put me in a trance!
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