16 feb, fri:
as previously reported..was at zouk for alex's my dreamd8 II competition..
reach home time: 0300H
17 feb, sat:
after reunion dinner at soup restaurant..
back at zouk with gabriel for mambo night (this is my first time by the way!) it was quite fun initially but then it got too crowded and the music just became irritating after a while..i am just more of a indie/rock music guy la..

reach home time: 0330H
18 feb, sun:
after mambo night..
caught a measly 30min snooze before i had to wake up to fetch chris and his family to the airport..trust me when i say that i had seriously thought of just sms-ing him to take a taxi! but how serious can i be when i have seriously no energy left to be really serious about thinking anything! serious la! anyway, i dragged my weary body out of bed and to his place in the end..for all my troubles, i received my first official angbao of cny 2007! it felt nice to have done something for a friend..but at that moment, all i really really felt was..damn tired..
reach home time: 0630H
20 feb, tue:
in the wee hours of morning..

just follow law
i hate to say this but fann wong is really quite funny in this show! haha..wah lao..from molesting herself to scratching her privates to spreading her legs for the uncles to see! omg! some people detest jack neo's movies because they are lame and cut too close to reality for their comfort..but that's exactly the reason i quite like them. admittedly his storylines can be stale at times but kudos to him for always daring to project singapore as it really is..in our local dialects, in our local humour and our local dilemmas. and the best part is though he voices out the problems singaporeans face in our daily lives, he doesn't make it all doom and gloom either..which i suppose is part of the charm in watching a jack neo movie. anyway, if there is one very important thing jinxy and i learnt from the show, it is the real meaning of cc: and bcc: in emails..cc: means to "cover ca-chng" (cover backside!)..bcc: means "better cover ca-chng" so now you know why we always always always have to cc: and bcc: when sending out emails during work! haha..funny la!
reach home time: 0500H
after a long long weekend, tomorrow will come as a harsh reality check! the alarm clock will ring at the same time i have been getting home the past few days and it will be back to the grind of work..to those who are going back to work just like me, remember hor, send emails must cc: and bcc:! :P
it was all fun while it lasted! :)
as previously reported..was at zouk for alex's my dreamd8 II competition..
reach home time: 0300H
17 feb, sat:
after reunion dinner at soup restaurant..
back at zouk with gabriel for mambo night (this is my first time by the way!) it was quite fun initially but then it got too crowded and the music just became irritating after a while..i am just more of a indie/rock music guy la..

18 feb, sun:
after mambo night..
caught a measly 30min snooze before i had to wake up to fetch chris and his family to the airport..trust me when i say that i had seriously thought of just sms-ing him to take a taxi! but how serious can i be when i have seriously no energy left to be really serious about thinking anything! serious la! anyway, i dragged my weary body out of bed and to his place in the end..for all my troubles, i received my first official angbao of cny 2007! it felt nice to have done something for a friend..but at that moment, all i really really felt was..damn tired..
reach home time: 0630H
20 feb, tue:
in the wee hours of morning..

just follow law
i hate to say this but fann wong is really quite funny in this show! haha..wah lao..from molesting herself to scratching her privates to spreading her legs for the uncles to see! omg! some people detest jack neo's movies because they are lame and cut too close to reality for their comfort..but that's exactly the reason i quite like them. admittedly his storylines can be stale at times but kudos to him for always daring to project singapore as it really is..in our local dialects, in our local humour and our local dilemmas. and the best part is though he voices out the problems singaporeans face in our daily lives, he doesn't make it all doom and gloom either..which i suppose is part of the charm in watching a jack neo movie. anyway, if there is one very important thing jinxy and i learnt from the show, it is the real meaning of cc: and bcc: in emails..cc: means to "cover ca-chng" (cover backside!)..bcc: means "better cover ca-chng" so now you know why we always always always have to cc: and bcc: when sending out emails during work! haha..funny la!
reach home time: 0500H
after a long long weekend, tomorrow will come as a harsh reality check! the alarm clock will ring at the same time i have been getting home the past few days and it will be back to the grind of work..to those who are going back to work just like me, remember hor, send emails must cc: and bcc:! :P
it was all fun while it lasted! :)
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