Tuesday, November 14, 2006

silent all these years..

from hello friend to affectionate wifey
from a simple goodbye to "will you miss me?"
it all sounds too surreal for it to be true
he didn't believe it and neither should you!
from occasional to nightly talks
but it was difficult getting her out, even for a walk
he wasn't allowed to call her at home
unless of course she was standing by the telephone

it seems just like yesterday..but it cannot be..
because this happened more than 5 years ago now!
of course, these days she doesn't need to stand by the telephone!
and in case you're wondering, we were still on pagers back then!
yes, that's how long it has been..
how quietly time has flown us by..


Anonymous said...

wow! that goes back a long time...and now?

Anonymous said...

now? there is no "now" to speak of..