let me begin by once again (for the very last time) say HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL! -hugs- time flies so fast and you're already 19! -gasp- 2 more years and you're going to be 21 like ms ling! for those who are not familiar with our little group..ms ling isn't REALLY ms ling..her surname is actually lee! lee what? you go figure! -winks- i'm really sorry for forgetting to get you a birthday card..have you been opening your mailbox day after day after day expecting it to come? if you have, i'm really really sorry..if you haven't, then it just goes to show that when you don't expect it, it will never happen! =P anyway, since today's your birthday, i thought of taking this opportunity to run through some of the fun times we had throughout our brief but not so brief "relationship"..hope you had as much fun today and here's from me wishing you all the best in everything you do and aspire to do..YOU GO GIRL! -whacks!-

New Year's Eve 1999

Sam's Birthday 2000

My Birthday 2003
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