i know this sounds defensive..lots of you will question if the lack of blog entries recently is due to excessive paktoring..honestly, i don't know where you guys (those who think that way at least) get such incredulous ideas but i have to say that that is almost true! :P mostly i have been just lazy about it..i have lots of things to say and lots of stories to share but not so lots of energy. yep, it sounds like a lame excuse and make no mistake about it, it is!
19 january 2008, saturday
this date was significant for two reasons - 1) it was jay chou's concert (please picture that without making me look/sound like a starstruck schoolgirl..maybe a schoolboy but most definitely not a schoolgirl!) and 2) it has been 7 years since karen and first got together.

given that we did not have the best view in the house, we (aileen, apple (leen's friend), karen, kenneth and i) still had a rocking good time at the concert; singing, jumping and waving our hands along to every song, from the newest to the older ones..and ok, i admit, we did that starstruck schoolgirl/schoolboy thing of agreeing to everything jay said..you know when he goes "are you having fun? (in chinese of course)", we go "yeeeesss! (in chinese also)"..but in defense, what was i to do right? it was between being in agreement or risk being hammered by the throngs of jay chou fans!
now regarding the other part about the 7 years, you do the maths..ok we cheated a bit on that 1.5 years when we were apart but then you know what they say "love is never fair game!"..and we are still very much in love! :)

19 january 2008, saturday
this date was significant for two reasons - 1) it was jay chou's concert (please picture that without making me look/sound like a starstruck schoolgirl..maybe a schoolboy but most definitely not a schoolgirl!) and 2) it has been 7 years since karen and first got together.

given that we did not have the best view in the house, we (aileen, apple (leen's friend), karen, kenneth and i) still had a rocking good time at the concert; singing, jumping and waving our hands along to every song, from the newest to the older ones..and ok, i admit, we did that starstruck schoolgirl/schoolboy thing of agreeing to everything jay said..you know when he goes "are you having fun? (in chinese of course)", we go "yeeeesss! (in chinese also)"..but in defense, what was i to do right? it was between being in agreement or risk being hammered by the throngs of jay chou fans!
now regarding the other part about the 7 years, you do the maths..ok we cheated a bit on that 1.5 years when we were apart but then you know what they say "love is never fair game!"..and we are still very much in love! :)